Saturday, April 13, 2019

Ten Reasons to Drive a Car

10. Driving is easier than pushing.
9. Sometimes the seats are nice and give massages

8. faster than walking, if the car is working

7. Driving is easier than carrying a car (not again)

6. you are not paying for the gas

5. along the same lines, the car is not yours

4. you are racing a hungry lion and are not sure what the prize is

3. the car is going down the road and you are sitting in the driver’s seat

2. the guy who owns the car is chasing you with a baseball bat and you don’t like baseball      

1. you are sitting in the back seat

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Becoming Christ

The question, what would Jesus do, is not a choice of action; instead, it is a step towards being. Choices do need to be made. Actions completed and lives lived. And the difference here is subtle, and maybe a semantic tangent, but the shift from thinking I am a person trying to act like Christ, to I am a new creation in Christ trying to embody Christ is significant. Not just in how a person orients themselves to their new identity in Christ, but also in how a Christian interacts with the world around them.
                Christianity does not need to be explained in fancy slogans, complicated ideologies, or even with doctrinal statements; instead, Christianity can be explained by Christ. Such an identity allows the Christian to hide themselves in Christ. The conversation shifts from what the Christian thinks, believes, does, etc., to the identity of Christ and invites a conversation about who Christ is. The identity of the Christian is, then, not obfuscated by political presumptions, sociological statements, or a controversially branded identification as the conversation shifts from being about the Christian to being about Christ. The Christian can then allow Christ to speak for himself. While one might want to sideline the discussion with questions about how to get to know Christ, historical reliability, philosophical questions, and other roadblocks, the goal would be not to indulge these rabbit trails and instead focus on Christ and let each person draw their own conclusions.  
                The Christian life does involve a degree of duty and responsibility, but in the end the Christian does not need to explain themselves; instead, they can point to Christ. For as the oft used book title states, Christianity is Christ.

Monday, March 11, 2019

About The Rusty Sage Brush

About The Rusty Sage Brush

The Rusty Sage Brush is not a straightforward blog about eating cheese. There will be some whining, a few naps will be taken, and old cars will be parked under shade trees, but we will try to not cut it. Some of the posts will be honest, direct, passionate pleas. Others will be contemplative, creative, meaningless musings. A few will attempt to be instructive and/or informative and some will be nothing more than pretty pictures—a metaphorical dancing in the rain. And, at times, downright lies will be provided for napping and disappearing from the world in. The difference will be yours to decide. Just be careful of the sagebrush. It is a little rusty.
The topics will range from the close analysis of ancient texts, philosophical musings, spiritual contemplation, road trip documentation, old cars (specifically Volvos), political musings, tall tales, fake news, and even a poem or comic strip every now and then and, cheese.

Currently, the voices are limited and do not have any critical, creative, or useful writing skills, but as this is being published on the internet the writers do feel a little overqualified. There will be words and at times, even, sentences. For the most part nobody wants to take responsibility for them. The people behind the blog used to put together a print publication which is no longer in print. Here there is a desire to start again. Also, all pictures and post are original--except where quotations and other obvious exemptions exist--to the authors of this blog and therefore all rights/permissions belong to them.

The goal is to in time develop a regular almost newspaper like schedule, but at first, for the most part, the postings will be random and based mainly on the availability of a good quality cheese. As the authors become sure of the process and what they desire to accomplish, the schedule will also become more certain.

The world tends to take itself too seriously. The Rusty Sage Brush wants to be the metaphorical little boy stamping in a mud puddle, introducing play into the overly self-important world humans tend to try to create.
There is a sense in which the name implies this. Maybe some sage words will be posted but the sense of artificiality felt in the organic plant composed of rusty, carbon, steal will function more so as weeds in the attempt to cultivate complete thoughts.

I hope you enjoy.

The Rusty Sage Brush 


Simplicity, Simplicity & but a good cigar

“all my life I have seen a world that hates evil more than it loves good.” (From the movie Luther)             Replacing $100...