Saturday, April 13, 2019

Ten Reasons to Drive a Car

10. Driving is easier than pushing.
9. Sometimes the seats are nice and give massages

8. faster than walking, if the car is working

7. Driving is easier than carrying a car (not again)

6. you are not paying for the gas

5. along the same lines, the car is not yours

4. you are racing a hungry lion and are not sure what the prize is

3. the car is going down the road and you are sitting in the driver’s seat

2. the guy who owns the car is chasing you with a baseball bat and you don’t like baseball      

1. you are sitting in the back seat

Simplicity, Simplicity & but a good cigar

“all my life I have seen a world that hates evil more than it loves good.” (From the movie Luther)             Replacing $100...